Four weeks, six days and no dead animals

Time seems to be speeding up. We had a long shopping trip to a major metropolitan area and returned with some chocolates and a Goodies DVD. So, the wedding clothes are not in our hands, the invitations are not out and the reception still isn't officially booked.
Today we went to more local places and sorted out a variety of low level wedding stuff and one very important thing - the wedding ring. Or, to be more specific, Jenna's wedding ring. Mine is still safely sandwiched here on the desk between a Bach box set and a Kent College prospectus.
This should also be the week that I get back to playing some bass in front of an audience. I'm sitting in for a nice man called Carl as the bassist in his blues/rock/soul band. I am very keen to get out there and play.

Current listening: Surfacing - Orin Ambarchi & Martin Ng


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