
I know that usually when I get nerdy on this blog it's all about music but I am keen photographer too. Although most of my photographer friends make me look like a rank amateur I have spent a fair amount of time working on my photography chops.

This year I'm taking and publishing (at least) a picture a day. I imposed some rules to make this more interesting and to make me work harder.

1. I have to use my Nikon (not much of a restriction since I truly love this camera)
2. I can only use the 50mm prime lens. So no zooming and a field of view similar to that of the human eye).
3. After the shot is taken no cropping or Photoshopping (made easier by me not having a copy of Photoshop).
4. Must try not to take a crap picture.

Rule four gets broken every time I realise it's 11:45pm and I haven't taken a picture yet.

Recently though I've been getting more positive feedback and started to feel that iPhoto wasn't quite enough to do the job. I recently upgraded to the Apple Aperture software and now feel I can publish pictures that are closer to what I imagined them to be.


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